Primordial Soup Company
Equatorial Films
a Documentary Film

What The Reviewers Are Saying......
"Highly charged and well-assembled...information-packed film is briskly paced and professionally packaged. Though allegations of secret programs and cover-ups have been around for many years, Nuclear Savage brings fresh information to the table via previously classified U.S. government documents....The documentary assumes the qualities of a detective thriller with massive moral, political and financial implications. Few will be left unmoved by the indisputable evidence of lives being severely affected by the weapons testing program."
“One of the most disturbing documentaries I have ever seen. Opens up one of the hidden horrors of American history. The film does a stunning job juxtaposing examples of our smug ignorance of South Sea culture with the reality of what we did to it.”
– Robert Koehler, Chicago Tribune
“The term ‘savage’ is used to refer to people from primitive cultures, but this documentary shows how savagery reaches new levels with the advent of advanced technology. …Without incredible archival footage and shocking secret documents, the story would seem unbelievable¬.”
– Film Society, Lincoln Center
"A poignant, provocative, and deeply troubling look at the lingering and lasting effects of nuclear disaster and the human consequences of US government efforts to define, contain, and control public awareness and concern."
“A heartbreaking documentary. Nuclear Savage is a shining example of how documentaries are one of the most compelling means of telling stories that, while not pretty, are important to talk about.”
– Culture Magazine
"Recommended. The story portrayed in Nuclear Savage is fascinating, angering and frustrating but one worth seeing. The film also covers some of the history of the U.S. involvement in the South Pacific and places the current issues in the context of colonization."
–Educational Media Reviews Online
"A powerful and disturbing film documents the apparently intentional use of Pacific Islanders for nuclear-bomb and human radiation testing by the U.S. government. As the film lucidly shows, these egregious incidents are only the latest in a despicable history of contact between Pacific Islanders and the West."
– Anthropology Review Database
"This disturbing examination of the consequences of the many nuclear tests conducted in the Marshall Islands...raises many moral and legal questions. This thought-provoking... film can be the basis of classroom discussions in both science and history classes."
–School Library Journal
"A heartbreaking and intimate ethnographic portrait of Pacific Islanders struggling for dignity and survival after decades of intentional radiation poisoning at the hands of the American government."
- Hawaii International Film Festival
"Utterly devastating...a true detective story that relies on recently declassified U.S. government documents, heartbreaking survivor testimony, and previously unseen archival footage."
– Vermont International Film Festival
"Editor's Choice. Highly recommended.... features recently declassified U.S. government documents, survivor testimony, and unseen archival footage."
– Science Books and Films (AAAS)